fischerAppelt, relations
Corporate communication, content & campaigns
We stand for inspiring stories and relevant messages.
For our customers, we are not only a content marketing specialist with a passion for digital storytelling, but also a reliable partner when it comes to strategy and public positioning. Always in view: the current situation, the big picture - socially, economically, politically. Our question is:
What moves people?
Only those who can answer this question can convey relevant messages and stories to their clients.
And we make sure that the messages get through, that they reach the right target group via the right channel. The prerequisite for this: top-level planning, data analysis and performance marketing.
PR as an editorial measure
In media, on our own channels and the social web, we as a content marketing agency set topics that not only move us and our customers: Our editorial staff, most of whom are former journalists with a large media network, always has an eye on the current news situation. In media coaching, we let our clients share our decades of experience.
PR as a mass phenomenon
For a long time now, it has not only been companies, institutions and associations that cultivate their relationships "publicly". Private individuals also communicate publicly, for example via social media. Our work as a PR agency has thus gained in versatility. Whether corporate communications or corporate publishing, communication in the field of healthcare, automotive and mobility, technology, consumer goods, trade or politics, crisis or online PR – we get to the heart of the matter.
PR as relationship work
For us, PR means constant work on relationships between people and brands. You make contact – in the classic and social media, on digital platforms, in company magazines or at events. In return, we give companies, brands and institutions trustworthy and likeable faces. It is clear that relationships also create friction: We have experts for change communication and employer branding as well as for crisis situations. We simplify complex issues and help people grasp their personal interests - with a wink instead of a raised index finger.