fischerAppelt, live marketing

Experience Marketing, analog & digital events

To live means to experience. What we decide tomorrow hinges on what we feel today. We develop extraordinary experiences at the crossroads of the real and digital worlds.

We create connections – not through artificial, contrived concepts – but in an intelligent, integrated and unique manner. This is how we change perspectives. Because in a digital world, nothing is as exciting as real life.

Digital Live Experience reinvented

Never before has the thirst for experiences been as great as it is today. And never before has live marketing been as important. After all, messages, feelings and attitudes can only be changed through actual experiences in order to become firmly anchored in the consciousness of your target groups. In this context, digitalization is reshaping hybrid spaces of experience in completely unprecedented dimensions.


Be it digital or real – for us, the two are inseparably linked.

The focus is squarely on the people, with their needs and feelings. We call this the Digital Live Experience. It brings people, companies and brands together and connects the touchpoints to engender collective experiences.

Our work begins at the juncture of what is physically tangible and the virtually possible. New challenges are an everyday occurrence for us. But what we do is by no means ordinary. As if it were, we wouldn’t be ourselves nor the right people for this job.

Over many years, our numerous award-winning concepts have shown how we creatively apply new technologies to expand and redefine the sphere of experience for diverse target groups. Because enthusiasm is born where boundaries begin to blur and dissolve.

Trust in more than 30 years of experience in the development of real and digital spheres of experience – from strategy, creation and planning through to realization and evaluation. Trust in our team of specialists, who consider every detail twice over before transforming your experience into reality.

Contact person

Dino BĂŒscher

Managing Partner

