The Good Turn

An initiative to improve mobility behaviour

Making good mobility measurable

The whole world is talking about mobility. Our options for going from A to B have never been richer. But despite the huge choice of sharing services, rental or leasing vehicles, public transport, bicycles and other offerings, people tend to stick to their habits.

With an eye to sustainability and a better quality of life in cities, we officially launched our initiative THE GOOD TURN   (TGT) on 18 September at the Greentech Festival in Berlin.

"Cleaner, quieter, better - our motto and that of our partners."

Wit its end-goal of making cities cleaner, quieter and less stressful, THE GOOD TURN focuses on an essential requirement for a successful mobility transition: wide-ranging behavioural change. An interdisciplinary alliance from business, politics and society promotes awareness of our mobility behaviour at various levels and nudges us to opt for cleaner, quieter and better ways to move through our cities.


For quiet cities. For clean air. For better traffic.

At the heart of the initiative is an index that breaks down the complexity of our urban mobility into one number. This is then used to derive recommended behaviours to use various mobility offerings based on the modal share, the current traffic flow, environmental data and the use of sustainable offerings.

Numerous partners

The current partners and supporters of the initiative are diverse. The ITS Hamburg 2021 World Congress is responsible for organising the largest worldwide event for intelligent transport systems, to take place in Hamburg in October 2021, as well as the GREENTECH FESTIVAL. The leading German outdoor advertiser Ströer, HERE Technologies, a leading platform for local data and technologies, and the start-up & Charge, a loyalty programme that rewards you with kilometres, are also on board. The scientific side of the initiative is covered by RWTH Aachen University and Fresenius University of Applied Sciences. Surveys on the behaviour of traffic participants during the project will be conducted by the opinion research institute Civey. TAXI-AD provides media services. MOIA, a VW subsidiary for ridesharing, is also interested in a partnership.

Views of the launch of our initiative "THE GOOD TURN" at the GREENTECH Festival in Berlin.

TGT is happy to take new partners on board and calls on cities that also want to offer an index to their inhabitants to become members of TGT. The first major goal of TGT is a working prototype for Hamburg and Berlin, which will be presented at the ITS World Congress in Hamburg, the largest worldwide congress for intelligent transport systems, in October 2021.

THE GOOD TURN was founded in collaboration with our colleagues from Philipp und Keuntje   and the consulting and engineering firm umlaut  .

Join the initiative

Have we aroused your interest? We are very happy to have new partners and are open to possible collaborations. Please reach out to our contact person Christian Clawien.

Contact person

Christian Clawien

Director Strategy