Make the logo bigger? Only with WallDecaux.
We collaborated with WallDecaux to prove that outdoor marketing makes big brands bigger
Contrary to the forecast downfall of the digital-driven creative industry, outdoor advertising is currently experiencing a second spring. And it’s no real surprise: when it comes to visibility, reach and above all branding, there’s no need for the time-honoured form of advertising media to hide in the shadows behind hyped online competition.
The golden rule for corporate design: never touch the logo.

Our new Outdoor Advertising Boosts Brands has broken all the rules. Not because we think that rules are there to be broken, but because our ideas were backed by even the most traditional brand managers. Our redesigns of prominent logos – just like OOH advertising – were subject to just one rule: they had to be big. We grazed the brand landscape to find perfect candidates for our unconventional growth course. And we hit the jackpot, as the following examples show. Dr. Oetker was awarded with its long-overdue professorship, Mini was transformed into Maxi and McFit got to work on the weight bench and pumped out the fitness chain McFitter.

„Never touch the logo! Würden wir auch allen Marken raten. Außer man will mit einem Augenzwinkern demonstrieren, welche Kraft in der richtigen Präsentation steckt. Und wie immer gilt: Für eine starke Idee muss man auch mal was wagen.“