Monsters Of Content Marketing
Pia Frey and the holy trinity
This is what our 13th podcast episode "Monsters of Content Marketing" is about
This woman is a monster of opinion: Pia Frey is the front woman of Opinary, the Berlin-based start-up that adorns the websites of media and companies alike with speedometers on which every reader can form a concise and quick judgement on questions such as "Should there be a compulsory vaccination for children" or "Can people overcome the violence of nature? Their goal: to bring publishers, companies and readers together. This is their "holy trinity", as Frey calls it in the new issue of Monsters of Content Marketing.
An example from our client Covestro shows how this works: The question "Does plastic still have a future?" is one of the ten most successful speedometers of Opinary 2019. The algorithm of the Berlin-based start-up ensures that the question is placed in all matching articles of Opinary's media partners – without the editors having to do anything. The question itself comes from Opinary in cooperation with the customer, in this case Covestro. Clear advantage:
Companies can build a channel to the user in a high-quality environment, as part of a strong content piece that appeals to the target audience.

Commitment as a top currency
Between 5 and 13 percent of the readers of an article take part in the respective Opinary-poll, in the peak even 20 percent. A value that even tempted the online marketing rockstars to the formulation that Opinary revolutionizes content marketing. For Frey, her company has created a "new momentum in which I get in touch with a target group as an advertiser or content marketer", and this outside of social media, but on their own websites or in a valuable publishing environment.
The Berliners have around 160 customers in media and companies now, as Frey estimates. Among them are several from our agency group, such as the aforementioned Covestro or Deutsche Bahn. The music clearly plays with brands and companies, even though many media sites have been using the tools themselves for a long time to determine opinions and not just for advertising partners. An increase of extremist tendencies cannot be recognized by the founder in the speedometers. Probably however, the urge to pour itself after delivery of the opinion in the Opinary Tool still in the comment column of the respective Website.
Top topics and the Lomardi case
Which subjects make the speedometers glow the most? Sports followed by politics and automobility, where the diesel crisis would have clearly pushed opinion, as Frey says in the podcast. But the most successful question in Opinary's history has nothing to do with this: it actually revolved around the separation of Sarah and Pietro Lombardi. No other topic generated more clicks than the relationship ending of the singing couple.
In the media, Frey sees a huge backlog in the relationship with the readers. "I am always surprised how little closeness there is between the editorial staff and the readers." The Internet hasn't really changed that. Frey perceives a certain "alienation". In Great Britain, on the other hand, where Opinary has various customers, including the time-honored "Times", the focus is much more on the reader. There is a "different level of exchange". There is more emphasis on commentary columns and more use is made of the data that can be obtained through Opinary.
Final opponent "New York Times
She herself is regularly in the USA, New York is almost Frey's second home – and will be visited more frequently this year. After all Opinary has an office there, Frey's "rival" is sitting in the Big Apple: the "New York Times". It has been there a few times, but the world's most important newspaper has not yet taken the bait. She was given a cigar by Axel Springer after a lecture. "I'll smoke it if it works out with The New York Times."
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Our podcast Monsters of Content Marketing is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud and YouTube. Please note, that the podcast is in German.