The way to Britain’s heart is through its stomach

The German trade organisation Jungen Unternehmer has taken an unconventional approach to convince Londoners to remain in the EU

Showdown on the island: On 23rd June, the British public will determine the fate of the isle’s future relationship with the EU. The fear of “Brexit” is spreading, and the polls are increasingly tight. Both the EU and Britain stand to potentially lose a lot, so Germany is showing increasing support to pro-EU sentiment in the UK. Leading media outlets such as the Spiegel have adopted an unusually clear stance alongside organisations such as the JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER , who have united to send a clear message: Dear Britain, please stay! We need you!

fischerAppelt has also joined to cause with its unique “Bratwurst against Brexit” campaign. The way to Britain's heart is through its stomach. With this logic, the delegation from the organisation has taken to the streets of London with a German classic to convince members of the public to vote remain. In the British capital, sausages have been handed out for the past 8 days. The message to the English, Welsh, Scots and the Northern Irish was clear: surely you don’t want to miss out on the cultural and culinary delights of mainland Europe if you vote leave. The fischerAppelt creation made a clear statement: we care about our British neighbours!

The young entrepreneurs supplied Londoners with sausages for free on Wednesday lunchtime in Trafalgar Square. It didn’t prove too difficult to whet the appetite of the British that day. “We don’t want Britain to miss out on German sausages in the future. That's why we won over the Brits with mustard and charm to persuade them to vote remain,” says Hubertus Porschen, Chairman of the Association of Young Entrepreneurs. The referendum will mark a key turning point in the future of Europe. “If the nation decides to leave, the UK stands to lose its competitive edge. The EU will then be dominated by countries that preach protectionism and centralisation instead of competition and free trade. So Germany also has a lot to lose from the “Brexit”.

The campaign created a tangible buzz. The entrepreneurs were met by camera crews from ARD, ZDF and RTL, amongst others. The correspondents from Deutschlandradio and Deutschlandfunk also didn't want to miss out on the delicacies from their home country. Articles on the appetite for “German Sausages” also featured in BILD , Handelsblatt , Spiegel Online  and the Wall Street Journal. Whether our bratwurst were able to convince the British to remain in the EU will become clear next Thursday when around 50 million citizens hit the polls. The result is expected to be released on Friday morning.

Eugenia Lagemann

Managing Board