
From Racetrack to Road

We think that everyone should benefit from e-racing.

By winning 2 world championship titles for both drivers and the entire team in just 3 seasons, the Mercedes-EQ Formula E team has "lit up" both its fans and the inner cities; collecting trophies as well as a valuable treasure hoard of knowledge and experience.

We think beyond the chequered flag

In all our communication measures for Formula E, we have always focused on the benefits for car drivers in parallel to an enthusiasm for racing. With our "A Racing Soul In Every Body" clips, we want to highlight an aspect that has a long tradition in racing: the transfer of knowledge and technology. The experience gathered on the inner-city circuits of London, Berlin, New York and Rome is now finding its way into the everyday driving experience of innumerable owners of EQ models in metropolises around the world.


Everyone can benefit from the things that a racing team has extensively tested, and not just in terms of safety, aerodynamics and performance. Battery management and electric powertrain development have also taken an enormous leap forward thanks to their use and optimisation in racing. Opportunities and possibilities that in our opinion should not go unmentioned.


I want some of that!

Likewise, this gives rise to expectations that we have set ourselves in terms of communication. We want our moving image assets to be understood as an answer to the question of whether people can actually use this at some point.

An understandable wish which is now about to come true, since the departure of the Mercedes-EQ Formula E team from Formula E will hand over the inner cities to all Mercedes-EQ drivers like you and me, so to speak. Now a form of electromobility is unfolding that is geared towards the end customer, but at the same time benefits from the experience created by racing professionals. A connection that always formed the basis for our clips.

From developing the initial central idea, to producing the films with Berlin-based director Daniel Eceolaza, and to their distribution: As lead agency, we have created a seamless and integral process that not only produces video clips, but also delivers on a promise. A promise that is now being kept for the end consumer. An attitude we call "Positively Charged".


Jan Lenke

General Manager/in