Bundesvereinigung der Erzeugerorganisationen Obst und Gemüse
Communication for German fruit and vegetables
Germany's Federal Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producer Organisations (BVEO) has launched a campaign to promote awareness of healthy eating
The Federal Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producer Organisations (BVEO) worked with fischerAppelt to create an emotional consumer campaign “Germany – My Garden”.
The integrated campaign aims to pull at the heartstrings of its target groups at all touchpoints – whether online, offline, analogue or digital. High-quality content brings German fruit and vegetables to the forefront, inspiring consumer and multipliers to eat a balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables. The campaign focuses on the advantages of regional and seasonal fruit and vegetables, communicating this in a way accessible to the target group.
PR and below-the-line measures were the key focus of the campaign. fischerAppelt created the campaign design and website and manages the social media channels. With its role as the press office for BVEO, fischerAppelt is in charge of regular media work and provides support at influencer events.