30 minutes for Kärcher
fischerAppelt motivates Kärcher employees to participate in the company survey
How satisfied are you with your job? And your boss? These were kind of the questions employees of the Swabian cleaning equipment manufacturer Kärcher were asked for the 2017 employee survey. A 30-minute campaign from fischerAppelt helped to inspire a large percentage of employees to participate in the survey.
As many Kärcher employees as possible took part in the 2017 employee survey and provided the company with feedback: What’s going well? What isn’t? Kärcher would only be able to answer these questions and get a true picture of how things really are if the majority of its employees provided feedback. fischerAppelt was tasked with creating a campaign to make sure as many employees participated as possible.
The challenge
Employee surveys aren’t generally the most popular tasks amongst a workforce: they take time and often include hundreds of questions, all of which need to be answered. Some employees worry that their boss may find out what they wrote. In turn, management fear bad evaluations by their employees. All in all, getting employees to participate isn’t a walk in the park. A participation rate of 50% could already be considered a great success.
“Shaping the future of Kärcher in 30 minutes”
In order to drum up motivation amongst employees and prove they have nothing to worry about, fischerAppelt's campaign highlighted how little time the survey takes to complete, the importance of data protection and how crucial each individual opinion is for the success of the entire company.

- A flyer was distributed throughout the company to answer 5 key questions about the employee survey – including the importance of participating and whether answers are provided anonymously.
- A poster campaign was created to motivate participation in a light-hearted manner. The claim emphasizes the ability of each individual: “Shaping the future of Kärcher in 30 minutes”
- A guerrilla marketing campaign whereby amber sticks i.e. electrostatic stickers were distributed throughout the building – e.g. in elevators and on mirrors in the bathrooms.
- Tray mats and matching serviettes surprised diners in the canteen. The message was also modified there to match the food theme.
- In addition, before and during the campaign, employees were kept up to date on the survey in a special format on the intranet.
The success was clear with 86% of Kärcher employees participating in the survey. A great result!