Celebrate with the fAmily

Become part of our Alumni Community

You never go all the way. We would be very happy if you stay in contact with us and stay part of the fAmily. Why? We want to establish a permanent alumni network to exchange, cooperate, share and celebrate together.

fAmily on Social-Media

Become a member of our LinkedIn group #fAmily – colleagues and alumni of the fischerAppelt group  and be the first to know about upcoming events. Or use our public social media channels for daily updates from the fischerAppelt universe. Either way – let's stay in touch!

Registration for the Alumni Network

You didn't get any invitations from us? That's because we don't have your current email contact information. Community members receive our fAmily-Affairs newsletter three times a year. There we provide you with current information about events, present exciting alumni stories and report exclusive news from the agency group.

Deine Kontaktdaten werden bei der fischerAppelt AG gespeichert. Mit der Angabe Deiner Daten erklärst Du Dich damit einverstanden. Selbstverständlich garantieren wir die Sicherheit Deiner Daten nach dem Datenschutzgesetz und werden diese nicht an Dritte außerhalb der fischerAppelt-Gruppe weiterleiten. Umfassende Informationen zum Datenschutz bei fischerAppelt findest du auf unserer Website.

fAmily Events

Whether at our Hamburg location or at the Wonderland Studios in Berlin – we organize events for our alumni at various locations in Germany. With our Recaps you can take a look back.

Your Alumni contact

Benjamin Werner

New Business, Kommunikation & Partnerships

Waterloohain 5

22769 Hamburg