With Big Data to perfect marketing

We turn a data pool into valuable information

Data provides insightful information about the needs and behavior of users. We help companies to get to know these preferences more precisely and thus address their users in a targeted manner. In this way, they can use Big Data efficiently and turn a flood of data into useful information. Many companies find it difficult to increase the conversion rate on their website and often lack the targeted implementation of tools such as Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Google Optimize or other web tools. When it comes to taking the next step and maximizing online sales, whitepaper downloads or customer contacts through data-driven conversion optimization, we are the right address.

With us Data Science becomes the key to success

We only work with the best tools to accumulate, process, visualize and finally analyze Big Data. The common programs like Google Tag Manager, Data Studio, Analytics are only a small part of our extensive repertoire. We work with top-notch data warehouses to ensure a secure and optimal processing of data. For web analysis we also use detailed tracking concepts to fine-tune even the smallest adjustments.

With the help of elaborate data sets, we analyze precisely targeted demand groups for services and products.

Dr. Pascal Volz, Managing Director

We are also happy to offer our recommendations as Big Data Consulting Service to jointly create a strategically valuable data structure from scratch.

We accompany the users and learn about their preferences

We then prepare the data for decision-making on the next profitable steps for conversion optimization and support you in creating an attribution model. We provide insight into data-driven marketing, campaigns, website personalization, KPI reporting in live dashboards. Through our in-depth web analytics, we are able to generate profitable insights that enable you to optimize conversions, landing pages and general improvements along the customer journey.

Data analysis as the basis for a targeted user approach: Only those who know the needs of their customers can respond to them.

Our Data-Intelligence service spectrum

Analysis of demand groups

  • Environment analysis of the demand group based on web/(data) analysis
  • Creation of a catalog of measures derived from the analysis
  • Basis for the derivation of customer journeys

Customer Journey

  • Onsite personalization with dynamic landing pages
  • Bid Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Show user paths
  • Understanding user preferences
  • Jump analyses
  • Hypothesis Definition
  • A/B tests, multivariate tests
  • Segmented landing pages

Modelling of the attribution

  • Static model: A posteriori regression analysis across all marketing channels (online & offline)
  • Dynamic model: real-time attribution of all online channels and automatic replay of results in bidding tools

KPI reporting & data visualization

  • Interactive and automated visualizations
  • Integration of data from various tracking tools on playfully easy to use live reports